The process of moving is not cheap, so many renters worry about the added expense of losing their security deposit on top of having to pay for a moving company. While according to the Legal Information Institute, rental law varies depending on where you live, in most cases, your landlord can keep your security deposit if your unit is not clean when you move out. If you want to make sure you get your deposit back, keep reading. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make your rental spic and span.
The Bathroom
Nobody likes cleaning the bathroom, but sometimes it’s just a job that must be done. You can make this job less irksome by using the right cleaning supplies. For tough grime in the toilet or shower, use cleaning products specifically formulated to work in the bathroom. Of course, as the CDC recommends, always keep these cleaning agents out of the reach of children and pets. Start cleaning by scrubbing your bathtub and shower. Then, wipe down any cabinets and storage areas. Make sure you throw away any old soap bar remnants or old toiletries. Then, scrub out the toilet with a toilet brush. Clean the floor last, and then move on to the rest of your apartment.

Personal and Storage Areas
Your landlord will not be pleased if they inspect your rental and find your unwanted belongings or any trash. When you clean your rental, make sure that you leave absolutely nothing behind. If you have belongings that you no longer want, make sure you dispose of them properly before your move. For large trash items, you may be able to schedule a large item pickup with your city’s sanitation department. If you have items in good condition that might be of use to someone else, consider donating your unwanted belongings. Some organizations will even pick up your donations, saving you a trip. Movers recommend getting started with the clean-out process at least a month before your actual move.
The Kitchen
Even if you clean your kitchen regularly, the kitchen is typically one of the dirtiest rooms in an apartment. Grease from cooking and food spills can lead to sticky, dirty messes that are difficult to clean, so give yourself plenty of time to tackle this room. When you clean out the refrigerator, throw out any food you cannot take to your new place and wipe down the shelves and drawers. You should also make sure you thoroughly clean all surfaces, including tabletops and counters. Many tenants forget about cleaning the oven and microwave, and leave a nasty mess behind. You should also wipe down the faces of your kitchen cabinets, as these are also often overlooked.
Remember the Floors
One of the last cleaning tasks you will want to tackle before moving out is making sure your rental’s flooring is in good condition. While some wear and tear is to be expected, you want to leave your unit’s floors in as good a condition as possible. If there are pet or food stains or the carpet is excessively soiled, consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional. Sometimes hiring a professional makes sound financial sense. Paying to have the carpets cleaned is less expensive than losing your entire deposit.

With a little bit of elbow grease, you can get your apartment gleaming again. Not only will your landlord be thankful and impressed, you’ll have a better chance of getting your entire deposit back! If you run out of time trying to clean the unit yourself, you can always call upon the skilled hands of professional cleaning company. Handy and are two cleaning services with nationwide reach, to get your home cleaned no matter what part of the country you’re in.